Don’t Go Car Shopping Without Reading This Article

Car shopping can bring dread to your heart. It could remind you of times past where the salesman took advantage of you. Stop the insanity and read this article as the advice here will keep you safe from the sales pitch of even the most advanced car jockey on the lot.

If you are trading your car in, take it to a detail shop and have the upholstery and carpets cleaned along with a wash and wax. Doing this one thing can usually net you several hundred dollars or more in trade-in value compared to a car that isn’t clean.

Make sure that your finances are in line before you purchase a car. Unless you know how much money you have available, you could end up in over your head. Allot a certain amount of money for car payments each and every month. You may want to go loan shopping prior to looking at cars.

Do not base your car buying decision solely on price. While price is certainly important, so is the reputation of the dealership. You want to find a place that is known for great customer service and standing behind the cars they sell in case you have any problems down the road.

Most of us are looking for the best possible deal when shopping for our next vehicle. One way you can get a great deal is by utilizing the time of the month to your advantage. At the first of each month, auto dealerships must pay for each of the cars they have on their showroom floor. So, at the end of each month, these dealers are more apt to negotiate so they can get rid of some of these vehicles. If you shop during the last week of the month, you can get the best deals!

Watch out for dealership advertising fees. These are often tacked on to new car purchases, and you should not have to pay them. Car dealerships have to advertise as part of doing business, and many shoppers who challenge this fee will win. If your salesman will not remove this fee, ask to speak with a manager.

It is illegal for a dealer ship to roll back the odometer on any car they sell. Even if they put a new motor in the car, it is still illegal. If you suspect that a dealer is not stating the correct mileage on a car, leave and shop elsewhere.

If you have a specific model in mind, give the dealer a call to see if they have one available. Once you walk through a dealership’s doors, they will try to sell you anything and everything, even if it isn’t what you are really interested in. If you really want a four door sedan and they don’t have any, that’s a waste of your time. Call ahead and find out.

To make your negotiations go smoothly when purchasing a new car have a minimum of a twenty percent down payment saved. By having a down payment, you will be able to lower your interest rate and payments and have leverage when discussing your trade in options. You may find that you will net more savings by not trading a car in and selling it on your own.

Never buy a car without test driving it first. That even includes brand new cars and trucks. Not only do you want to make sure the car is mechanically sound, you also want to see how the car fits you. Decide if the car “feels” right. Some cars are not designed for taller people, for instance.

If a car salesman tells you, a deal is only good for today, do not fall prey to this trick. Dealerships like to put a sense of urgency into the negotiation process in order to get you to make a hasty decision. This always works to their benefit, and it rarely works to yours. If a deal is offered to you today, any reputable dealership will extend it to you tomorrow.

Be responsible when buying a used car. Even if all the statistics on the brand and model you are buying are excellent, you do not know how the car was maintained. Get a qualified mechanic to check it for you. They can spot major issues that you need to avoid before purchase.

Learn about the cost to insure the particular type of car that you found. The cost to insure different makes of cars will differ drastically. If you take the time to learn the cost to insure it before you buy it, you will likely save yourself the grief of losing the car if the cost is more than your budget allows.

Before you ever start negotiating price, you should have your bottom line in mind. You don’t want to get caught up talking price without your parameters or they will be set for you. Refuse to talk price until you have researched your options. This will fare you better when striking your deal.

Since purchasing a vehicle, new or used, is a significant investment, it is important that you explore your options thoroughly. A good starting point is determining what your budget is for this purchase and how you will finance this purchase if you do not have enough money saved to make full payment up front. By knowing how much you can afford to pay each month, you can narrow down your choices when you start actually shopping for your next automobile.

Did you know that the EPA levies a tax against cars which have a miles per gallon rating of less than 21.5? This could be as much as $7,700 per year for the worst offenders! Find out whether or not the car you buy will be taxed before you buy it.

See? This simple, easy to follow guide of advice will give you the power next time you’re the one negotiating for a car. Print it off and study it as you prepare for the big day and I’m sure once you own your new car you’ll be bragging to your friends about what a great deal you got.