A little bit of knowledge goes a long way in all situations in life. Buying a car is no different! That means you need to read advice from experts, as detailed below, to ensure that when you shop for that car, you really know what you’re doing and how to get the best deal.
Always ask the seller if they are willing to let you do a test drive. While some private sellers may not offer you the chance to do a test drive, there are many that will. You should try to do your deal with someone who will allow you to see how the car runs.
Before you visit a dealership, look at the car prices online. Do not visit a dealership until you know which car you are interested in purchasing. Some online research can be great for narrowing your list of possible makes and models and for learning things that the salespeople may not tell you.
Rather than buying a brand-new car, purchase a lightly used one that is only a couple of years old. Many cars come with transferable warranties that last for three years or 36,000 miles. You will save a significant amount over buying new, and the warranty will give you peace of mind for the first year or so.
Never leave your car with the dealership overnight. Many dealerships will offer you the opportunity to take the car that you are considering home in order to test drive it longer. While this is certainly appealing, it essentially means they are given the opportunity to hold the car you own hostage. This makes it more difficult to walk away from a bad deal, and it is not to your advantage.
Find out about the different warranties that are available. You do not want to spend a couple thousand dollars on a warranty that is not going to cover the repairs that commonly occur. Instead, shop outside of the dealership to find one that will cover the repairs at a better price.
Make it a policy to always pay less than the sticker price. The list price is certainly not set in stone. If you can’t negotiate, bring in a skilled friend. Research the value of the car and know what number you should be aiming for.
Do not wait until you go car shopping to think about how you are going to finance your car. You need to arrive at the dealership with your car loan pre-qualified at a decent interest rate. You are almost always going to be able to get a better deal than the dealership would provide for you.
Bring someone along on your car shopping day. They can listen, see and even help you figure out problems. This company could be your life partner, a best friend or a trusted family member.
Consider selling your car privately, rather than trading it in for the new car you want. You will almost always get more for your car through a private sale than you would through a trade in. Even if the dealership makes it sound like they are giving you a great trade in value, they will likely raise the price somewhere else to make up for the difference.
Have a budget in mind before you go car shopping. This involves assessing your monthly income and bills, and having a clear understanding of how much you can really afford to add to those. Doing this will help you to stay in budget when you make your new car purchase.
Try shopping online. Almost every make and model is available online. Learn all you can about the vehicles you are considering before you even step one foot on the car lot. With a few clicks and Google searches, you can quickly locate information on safety ratings, fuel economy, resell value and reviews.
Don’t hand over the keys to your trade in until the deal is signed. If they have your car “hostage,” they can use it to pressure you to buy the new car. Wait until the deal is done to ensure you keep control of the situation at all times during the transaction.
Find out all you can about rebates. You can either get a cash rebate, low loan interest rate or the dealer themselves gets the rebate in cash. It is the manufacturer who offers these rebates, not the dealership. This will only be available on cars available on the lot, of course.
When it comes to purchasing a car, whether new or pre-owned, you need to beef up on your negotiation skills. Cars are intentionally marked up because the sellers understand that a negotiation must take place. So make sure you NEVER pay sticker price for your vehicle and if you can’t haggle, get someone to do it for you.
Never buy a car without test driving it first. That even includes brand new cars and trucks. Not only do you want to make sure the car is mechanically sound, you also want to see how the car fits you. Decide if the car “feels” right. Some cars are not designed for taller people, for instance.
Consider skipping the dealership completely and go with an auto broker. An auto broker usually works with several dealerships and acts as an intermediary to get you the best deal on the car you are looking for. They work on commission, however it can still save you time and money in the long run. Be aware though that a few states have banned auto brokers.
You can get more money selling your car yourself than trading it in. This has always been the case, but it takes time. It can also be very inconvenient. The dealers know this and will often offer far less than the car is worth on trade. Just like the price of the car, you have to negotiate the price of your trade.
Whether you wanted to save money, buy a great car, avoid buying a lemon or just be able to take control of the situation, this article has the advice you needed. It just takes simple steps towards gaining the knowledge you need. When you use what you’ve learned here, you’ll truly get what you want.