Tag Archives: buy here pay here

5 Must Dos When Selling a Car on Craigslist

If you are new to selling a used car on Craigslist, you may be unsure how to proceed. Stop right now. Whatever you do, don’t mosey on over to Craigslist and post “I have a red truck for sale.” This will get you nowhere and it does nothing but waste your time and the time of everyone who reads your ad.

So what should you do when selling a car on Craigslist?

1 – Take a Picture

Even if your Craigslist location page is for a relatively small size city, there are still likely hundreds of other used cars listed for sale. Guess what? Most of them have pictures and yours should too. Craigslist buyers aren’t necessarily lazy, but why should they spend five minutes emailing you to ask for pictures when it would have taken you that long to upload a picture?

2 – Use the Kelley Blue Book

Don’t just pull a figure out of midair or base your selling price around how much money you want to make. This will get you nowhere, especially if you are living in dreamland. It is best to use the Kelley Blue Book’s online version. It is free and will take you less than 5 minutes to get an estimated value for your car. Base your selling price around this.

3 – Be Realistic

As previously stated, use the Kelley Blue Book to get an estimated value from your car. Pulling a figure out of nowhere and trying to justify it by using phrases like “car runs like new,” “this is a great deal,” and so forth won’t change the fact you are asking too much. Craigslist used car sellers aren’t the only ones who know how to use the Kelley Blue Book; buyer know too. Pop that bubble you are living in or come back down to reality.

4 – Don’t Use Stupid Phrases

Many buyers on Craigslist aren’t avid internet users. Many of them just heard through the grapevine that Craigslist was a great place to buy a cheap used vehicle. These potential buyers are not familiar with internet lingo. You know, LN and OBO means like new and or best offer respectively, but not everyone else does. It takes a total of one second to actually type out the words, so do it. Also, avoid common clichés, like “still runs,” “runs like a dream,” “great car to get from Point A to Point B,” and so forth.

5 – Don’t Keyword Stuff

When selling on Craigslist, you choose keywords for your articles. These help your for sale car listing appear in searches that interested buyers perform. You are selling a Ford truck, so state so. Use the make, model, and year as your keywords, but don’t overstuff your ad with irrelevant keywords, like car, van, SUV, and so forth. This does nothing but tick off the internet users who now have more junk to weed through.

Source by Adnan Masood

Cheap Repo and Seized Cars For Sale – Government Police Car Auctions

If you think you can save the most money by buying cars from second bank car garage sales, think again. There are a lot of available ways to buy cheap cars that are still in relatively good condition.

Today, there are a lot of web sites which could give you the most affordable and lowest prices of automobiles, some of them are almost new and some car models which you could even buy at 20 to 60% price off compared to its current market price. What we are talking about are those cheap repo and seized cars for sale.

What are these cheap repo and seized cars for sale? If you are not yet familiar with it, “repo” means repossessed by the government, either by the Police, or some government institutions such as FBI, IRS, DEA, US Treasury, etc.

Now, do you get the idea? These are seized cars from criminals, tax law evaders, or any one who erred the law. (You don’t need to worry and be afraid about the car’s condition and past owners. These cars have not been used by murderers.) That is why these cars have been known to be of high quality, branded models which would even contain lesser or even no damage at all.

Since it cost the government money and space to store and maintain these repossessed vehicles, they are more than willing to sell it at cheap prices to get rid of it since they always have more repo and seized cars coming in.

However, you do have to note that cars sold at government auto auctions are sold as is. So you need to know how to inspect a car before buying. If you are not familiar, it would be best to bring along someone who can determine how much repair is needed before it can be driven.

Source by Ryan K Lim

3 Tips for Buying a Car From the Salvation Army

The Salvation Army comes into possession of vehicles through donations. Sometimes these are vehicle that the owners no longer have any need, for any number of reasons and are in reasonably good condition. Sometimes they are vehicles that are damaged or mechanically unsound and the previous owners have elected not to repair them, sell or trade them. They have decided to donate the vehicle to get a tax deduction for charitable contribution.

In the state in which I live a vehicle cannot be sold to the public if that vehicle does not pass smog and safety standards. When the Salvation Army gets a vehicle that does not pass smog, they sell that vehicle to a dealer who will either repair the vehicle to meet smog and safety standards or will resell the car to a wholesaler.

Tip#1 Most used car buyers are aware that when buying a used vehicle they are going to have to make an investment into the car to get it into excellent operating condition. Before buying a used car you should first drive the vehicle, both on the street and on the freeway. Make sure that you like the way the car drives, that it accelerates well and stops well. Check the car for any visible damage. Check both under the hood and inside the trunk. If the car has been in an accident, telltale signs sometimes show up in those places. Look for mismatched paint on the exterior of the vehicle. If a car has been repaired with Bondo, leave it on the lot.

If you have a mechanic that you trust, have them inspect the vehicle before your purchase. They will usually charge you a small fee to do this, but it will be worth it. You will know what needs to be done to the vehicle to get it into excellent running condition and the approximate cost of the repairs. He can also put the car on a rack and check it for frame damage.

Tip#2 When you visit the lot for the first time take a pad and pen with you. Make a note of the mileage and the VIN number (Vehicle Identification Number). You will need the VIN number to run a Carfax report. There is a small charge for these, but it is worth the small fee to make sure the vehicle has not been in a flood and water damaged.

High mileage cars are worthless to a dealer because they cannot get the car financed. These are the cars that you see advertised “As Is, All Cash, No Warranty” If you are looking at a car that has a lot of miles,subtract the model year from the current year and divide that number into the miles, IE. 2011-1998= 13 years 13/100,000=7693 miles per year. The average mileage is between 10,000 and 15,000 miles so,this vehicle should show less wear and tear mechanically and in the interior. Keep in mind that vehicles have been known to remain useful with good maintenance for 300,000 to 400,000 miles, but this is not usual.

Tip#3 The cars sold by the Salvation Army will have an asking price. These prices are negotiable within reason. Many times the vehicle age will be older than what you will find in Kelly Blue Book. Pricing for cars older than 20 years can be found online at NADAguides.com priced as classic cars. If you’ve followed my suggestions and feel comfortable that the car will serve you well, negotiate in good faith for a price that is worth it to you. Remember this will not have any commercially marketable value, so its price is your best offer.

Following these tips will take some of the uncertainty out of buying a used vehicle from the Salvation Army. Good Luck.

Source by Wayne A Douglas

The Environmental Benefits of Automobile Recycling

Green living refers to an activity that contributes to minimizing or eliminating toxins from environment and improving personal health and energy. There are many activities that can have a positive impact on the environment, such as eating organically grown food, choosing paper bags instead of plastic bags, recycling beer cans, installing an environmentally friendly floor in your home or driving a fuel efficient car. A recent emerging trend is recycling of automobiles to achieve a greener environment.

When the majority of cars have outlived their usefulness, they are taken to scrap yards where the cars are shredded and the remaining material (primarily comprising of iron and steel) is then recycled back into automobiles, appliances and other products. Automobiles make one of the most recycled products in the world as three out of four tonnes of new steel is made from recycled steel. Other car parts such as brake pads, shoes, oil filters, rubberized seals, polyurethane seat foam, seat covers, floor mats, rims, windshield glass and side windows glass can also be recycled for use in new automobiles.

Automobile recycling confers countless benefits on the environment. It helps preserve natural resources and protects the environment from contamination by recycling usable components and parts. It helps reduce water and air pollution and saves landfill space. As automobile recycling minimizes the need for processing virgin materials, it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions particularly sulfur dioxide which have detrimental effects on the environment and human health.

Automobile recycling uses far less energy than that needed for car manufacturing. This, in turn, reduces the amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other carbon compounds released into the atmosphere and helps conserve valuable reserves of gas, coal and oil. Recycling vehicles and their spare parts can save as much as 80 million barrels of oil and 40000 tonnes of coal a year.

Automobile recycling helps conserve energy as recycling one kilogram of steel saves enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 85 hours. Recycling automotive glass (windshields and sunroofs) helps reduce water pollution by 45 percent and air pollution by 25 percent. Recycling metal saves up to 70 percent energy and 30 percent water consumption. Recycling one ton of oil filters not only saves 9 cubic yards of landfill space, but it also yields 1700 pounds of steel. Recycling oil filters helps prevent petroleum hydrocarbons from contaminating water, air and soil. It helps reduce water pollution by about 75 percent and air pollution by 80 percent. Recycling of brake pads and shoes produces a combination of synthetic materials and copper.

Auto recyclers should control the recycling operations at the scrap yards to reduce the risk of releasing harmful petroleum compounds and toxic fluids into the environment. Heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum and chromium should not be allowed to leach into the ground. Similarly, acids from solvents, batteries and degreasers should be properly disposed of as they can interfere with the chemistry of soil and create health hazards for marine life as well as humans.

Source by Jhalak Paul

Maximum Efficiency in Auto Detailing Shops

Many professional car care appearance specialists and auto detailing entrepreneurs ponder the benefits of a detail shop and the costs as opposed to the inexpensive mobile detailing option. One of the nicest things about setting up a fixed shop as opposed to a mobile one is that we can have more types of products available for special uses to insure the finest possible results in our work.

Fixed detail shops also allow us to set up a shop where we can move towards a more efficient platform and workspace. Much has been written on this subject. However the industry leaders have proven the test of time and continually update and innovate and of course we are the greatest recipients of their conquest to build the best possible and most efficient assembly style techniques. Bud Abrams invented a nifty all in one unit which dispenses all the products you use most, such as tire dressings, cleaners, wax, etc.. You may wish to check this out on his website: http://www.detailplus.com .

This is just one innovation of the business minded professional detailer. Bud has been the leader Auto Detailing for over 30 years. We know when we have a question Bud, has an answer. As you can might have guessed, in our company we watch the flow of work and make it efficient one perfect example of this is our newest innovation in our Auto Detail Shop Detail Center Lay out where we have things under control. Bud who owns Detail Plus has spent years perfecting the most possible efficiencies in the industry and the greatest achievements in work flow models and shop lay outs and he sells to the industry, his products and knowledge. Bud is the Henry Ford of the Auto Detailing Industry. On his website at DetailPlus.com you can see the world’s most efficient layout for detailing automobiles. Detail Shop layouts are important indeed, you would be wise to study up on all aspects for maximum efficiency.

Also important is the greater chance for perfection, after you lessen the variables created by an outside environment such as dust particles from wind, wax drying inconsistent rates and rain issues. By using check lists and creating a Six Sigma quality assurance program and concentrating on TQM along with such principles as ISO 9001 type standards in procedures you can literally claim to do a perfect job. Our goal is not to eliminate the artist who is a “Detailer” but to add to this an element of perfection, not readily seen in our industry.

Professional Car Care Specialists should not just limited to Wholesale Detail work for Rent-A-Car Companies, Auto Auctions, Bank Repo Work, New and Used Car Dealerships, but also to such things as add-on after market accessories, chip repair, pin stripping, windshield repair, gold plating and perhaps even spray-in bed liners.

By understanding flow processes in a systematic, quality controlled setting we can insure on maximizing our resources to effectively increase profits and increase productivity. Once this is done add-on services can be added which will not impede your core business. For information on what it means to work in such an environment may we suggest the books; “Finite Capacity Scheduling”


Many people fail to understand how some car care specialists and auto detailing professionals can have all the best equipment, image, pay the best salaries and still charge less? Had they really looked at our operation they would say, why are you charging so much? Being efficient is the smartest thing you can do in business. We believe with economies of scale that franchises typically can deliver and the proper selection in our arsenal of competitive techniques that the game is actually won before it ever starts. When we enter or even many times start a price war, we know we can outlast the competition simply by efficiency. I am not suggesting you go and start a price war; that serves no one in the end. But if another operator in your market starts a price war and you are forced to compete due to a competitors mass mailing of coupons, it will be nice to know you can survive and even thrive in the process.

In the Business of Detailing, which in fact it is a business, the trophy goes to not only the best artist in the field but the most efficient company that can take that level of artistry and refine it into a system of maximum productivity. Without sounding too much like the late Henry Ford, we would like to make one comment. No matter what you thought about his views on other issues, his methodology which was later refined into many different industries is the reason we won W.W.II. It is also the reason Ford Motor Company is one of the longest standing companies in the world today. And thank God it is, without all those cars there would be less automobiles to detail. Please think about what I have said here today. Study your options and improve your flows of work, you’ll be glad you did.

Source by Lance Winslow

12 Important Safety Features On Our Cars We Don’t Think About

Well ok, this is kind of a different subject, and probably not the most obvious to some. But I’ll guarantee some of us will be a little bit more informed, folks might even feel safer when they drive to work tomorrow. Whether you’re the consumer or an automotive sales consultant, this article will list a dozen important safety features found on every car on the road. The consumer can benefit knowing what’s on today’s automobiles, just in case he/she meets the salesman who is not the most educated on their product knowledge. And lastly, sales consultants can enhance their presentations with these tasty tid-bits and increase potential commissions. So without fail, here are the main safety features found on the exterior of those cars.

#1-crumple zones-A mainstay in today’s automobiles, this is the harmonic flow of numerous body panels and brackets that absorb the energy normally associated with a crash. Parts like the hood, bumper and fenders are engineered to crumple like an accordion, therefore taking the brunt in any accidental situations.

#2-Wraparound Headlights-Just like its name implies, it’s a one piece headlight design that integrates the low beam, high beam, and turn signals. The headlights wrap around from the front or back of the car to the sides. Not only are the halogen headlights brighter and wider with the use of reflective cuts in the chamber, but folks driving along our blind spots can easily know our lane changing intentions. As a result, causing less accidents.

#3-Breakaway Motor Mounts-These mounts attach the engine to the frame of the car. They’re not noticeable, but the life saving impact is huge. In a front impact collision, they’re specifically designed to break the engine away from the frame and with the forward motion, will make the engine slide underneath the car at a 45 degree angle. Making it less likely to have an engine sitting in your lap when the crash comes to a halt.

#4-steel belted radials-It’s pretty obvious, our tires are very important safety features, it is what keeps the car on the road. Tires are built with steel fibers built right in, how do they help? Well, motorists will have the peace of mind that their tires will hold up in even the most extreme conditions. Those belts will also give these tires a longer lasting life span. Less maintenance in the long run.

#5-ventilated disc brakes-Equally important as the tires are, disc brakes stop the car. Brakes are constructed of a rotor, pads, and calipers for short. The rotors are engineered with internal vanes, to help vent out the heat. And this will help defend against fade and making it less likely to repair the brakes often.

#6-Side Impact Door Beams-Like the crumple zones, this aids in absorbing energy in a side impact collision. They are steel intrusion beams built inside the door for extra reinforcement. Every car and truck have these.

#7-Laminated Windshield-This might be important, it is the very object that keeps bugs out of our teeth, and the rain out of our hair. The windshield is made up of two pieces of tempered glass with a laminate sheet in between. This is a glass sandwich that holds together well when sharp or heavy objects smash into it. There’s no shattering or large pieces of glass flying about.

#8-Tempered Safety Glass-The other glass that gives us 360 degrees of protection is also designed with safety in mind. Automotive glass is heat tempered, so that when it breaks, it shatters into a multitude of small cubes. The small cubes won’t cut or injure the occupants.

#9-Child Safety Door Locks-As this name indicates, they are small locks in the inside door jams of the rear two doors(4 door sedan or suv only). Lock them up and the little guys in the back seat can’t unlock and pull the inside door handles while we are driving.

#10-5 mph bumpers-I would classify this as a safety item for the car itself. In the event a driver lightly hits a lightpole, grocery cart, etc. at 5mph or under, it is unlikely there will be any major structural damage. These days, the government mandated limit to follow is 2.5 mph, most automakers have the 5 mph variety.

#11-Center High Mounted Brake Light-It’s actually just a 3rd brake light mounted higher than the two main brake lights, and most autos have them. They’re main purpose is to make drivers behind the motorist aware of their braking intentions, normally cars 6-10 back can see this clearly.

#12-Safety Cage Construction-Think of a built in rollcage, it’s the main exo-skeletal feature that provides the most protection. In every accidental situation, this protects 360 degrees. We can even literally turn a car or truck upside down on its roof, the cage will support 1.5x it’s own weight. There’s nothing more important.

Hence, there is our short list of safety features, hopefully you readers have a use for this information. And maybe, this will put more awareness at just how safe our cars really are. No longer will we pinpoint safety as just airbags and alarm systems, our daily drivers have been designed as intricately as the human body. All this for making our commutes, a safer one.

Source by Shaun Patrick Davidson

Identifying The Four Major Types Of Loans

Although it may be a given for many people these days, it is still important to know something about loans when you are thinking about applying for one. In fact, most people already have one type of loan or another. There are many different kinds of loans offered by banks, credit unions, private lenders, and other financial institutions. Each loan may be subject to the specific requirements of the institution offering it and many loans are actually tailored to the particular applicant. All of this aside, there are four major types of loans that are used by consumers. Each type has a different object or focus attached.

The first major type of loan is the personal loan. These are the loans that you would obtain from a bank or credit union as an individual. At the same time, there is some overlap between personal and small business since the purposes of each may often coincide. For example, you may need a personal loan to fund a new small business opportunity. A personal loan may simply be a loan that you receive in order to pay for a necessary expenditure like replacing a major appliance, paying bills, or getting a vehicle. Personal loans are also used to consolidate debt.

A second type of loan is the home or mortgage loan. This is the category of loans relating to new home purchasing, but may also deal with using your existing home mortgage as a form of collateral to get a loan for other purposes. Like other types of loans, these loans have specific requirements and qualifications organized by the lender, which must be met by loan applicant. Home loans are long-term expenses. You need to keep this in mind and plan accordingly and take other expenses that will be included so you have a clear idea of your payments. Now a mortgage loan may also include those who already have homes but want to take a loan out on the mortgage or house, using this as collateral to secure the desired amount. There are specific requirements involved in these situations as well and there is risk involved since you are putting up your home as collateral.

The third major type of loan is the automotive loan. This is a narrower category since it deals exclusively with the purchase of vehicles. Everyone needs a car or some other means of transportation in today’s world. More importantly, they need something that is reliable and will get them where they need to go. Cars-even used cars-are expensive and most of us do not have the money to go and buy one outright. Therefore, auto loans are required to purchase a vehicle. Automobile dealerships typically provide financing options for auto loans via participating lenders. Again, there will be requirements that you must meet like credit rating or income level to qualify for the loan. Different lenders have different policies regarding auto loans so you will have to investigate them individually to find out if you are eligible.

The fourth major type or category of loan is the education or student loan. This category includes both students who have gone from high school to college or university as well as adult professionals who have chosen to pursue further educational opportunities to increase their marketability in their chosen profession. Since education and training can have a direct effect upon financial success, many banks, credit unions, and government-sponsored financial aid programs are growing in numbers to provide opportunities for those seeking educational finance assistance.

These four types of loans are a part of our everyday lives. At some point, most of us will receive one or more of these loans if we hope to have a car, a house, an education, or take care of personal matters beyond our current financial ability to resolve. It can pay to have a better understanding of these different loans so we can make the best decisions when a loan becomes necessary.

Source by Joseph Kenny

Popular Lionel Model Train Sets From 1946

In 1946 Lionel produced an array of outfits similar to those in their prewar catalogs. Among these offerings were 23 sets. This broad spectrum of sets allowed Lionel to offer outfits at several prices, with the least expensive outfit retailing for only $24.95, while the deluxe outfit was $85.00.

1946 was the debut year of many new designs, unlike the previous year which only rehashed previously produced products. New motive power included the O-Gauge 726 Berkshire, produced by installing a 2-8-4 mechanism in a boiler based on the prewar 226E, and the all-new 6-8-6 Pennsylvania turbine. The latter was offered in O-Gauge outfits as catalog number 671, while those included in O27 outfits were numbered 2020. To the lower end of the line was a streamlined 2-6-4 with the catalog number of 221.

New freight cars were introduced as well. The 2411 “big inch” flatcar shared its die-cast frame with the 2419 and 2420 work cabooses. Also using die-cast frames were the new dump cars: 3451 for logs and 3459 for coal. The new 2460 crane also had a die-cast frame, and rode on a pair of six-wheel trucks. These trucks shared many components with similar six-wheel trucks used on Bakelite-bodied 2625 passenger cars and the die-cast-bodied 2426W tender used by the 726.

The engineering used to produced the 1945, 2452 gondola, was expanded. The 2454 boxcar, 2465 Sunoco tank car and 3454 operating merchandise cars included plastic bodies mounted on steel frames. The 2452 was continued, and joined by a second gondola, the 2452X, which lacked the brake wheels and barrels that adorned the 2452.

The low-end O27 sets contained many cars that were reworked from prewar designs, but as more of the year passed, increasing numbers of new products were produced, which were included in more expensive outfits. Following up on the success of the 1945 knuckle couplers was a spectacular new feature included in the better sets, smoke. Even more spectacular, but much less widespread, was Electronic Control-the latter available only in set 4109WS. As was the case in 1945, the 1946 outfit boxes were simple corrugated cartons with pasted-on labels to identify the set they contained.

The following are some of the most sought after Lionel O27-Gauge Outfits from 1946:

1400W–Lionel O27 Passenger Set– Retailed for $35.95

Included: 221 2-6-4 steam locomotive with operating headlight; 221W sheet-metal tender; two 2430 blue Pullman cars; 2431 blue observation; eight 1013 curved and three 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 remote control track section; UTC Lockon, 926-5 instruction booklet; 1041 60-watt transformer.

This set was a slightly more expensive version of the 1400 outfit. For the an extra $5.95 over the 1400, a 221W whistling tender replaced the 221T, and the transformer was upgraded to a 1401 60-watt unit. In excellent condition, this set is worth approx. $650. In like new condition this set is worth approx. $1400.

1407B–Lionel O27 Switcher Bell Outfit– Retailed for $37.50

Included: 1665 0-4-0 steam switcher with operating headlight; 2403B slope-back tender with ringing bell; 2560 crane; 2452X gondola; 2419 work caboose; eight 1013 curved and five 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 remote control track section; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet; 1037 40-watt transformer.

This train was powered by a 1665 0-4-0 switcher, which was a revamped prewar 1662 switcher. Among the changes made to the locomotive were the installation of the new postwar trucks on the tender, and mounting Lionel’s new knuckle couplers on the rear of the tender and pilot of the locomotive. Mounting an injection-molded plastic cab and two injection-molded plastic toolboxes onto the die-cast body casting created for the 2411 flatcar crated the 2419 work caboose. A die-cast smoke-jack was installed on the caboose cab. The sheet metal 2560 crane car was carried over form the prewar line in its original colors of yellow cab with red roof. The 1946 production of these cranes included two-piece booms that were riveted together, and had the Lionel name molded in. In excellent condition this outfit is worth approx. $900. In like new condition this outfit is worth approx. $1500.

1421WS–Lionel O27 Freight Train–Retailed for $85.00

Included: 2020 6-8-6 steam turbine locomotive with operating headlight and smoke; 2020W early coal whistle tender; 3451 operating log car; 2465 Sunoco double-dome tank car; 3454 merchandise car; 2472 non-illuminated Pennsylvania N5 caboose; 164 operating log loader; ten 1013 curved and five 1018 straight track; 1019 O27 remote control track section; pair of 1121 remote-control turnouts; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet; 1041 60-watt transformer.

While the 1419W provided the owner with a coal empire, the 1421W, also priced at $85, created a lumber empire. Trailing the 2020 steam turbine in the set was a die-cast 3451 log dump car to be used in conjunction with the 164 log loader. The 1964 log car carried five unstained logs and was rubber stamped in silver. The pick up shoes were wired with blue wire, and a pair of 1121 remote-control turnouts was included in order to incorporate the 164 in the track layout. A silver 3454 operating merchandise car added even more action to the train, which was surprisingly finished with a plain red, non-illuminated 2472 caboose. Like the 1419WS, many examples of this set have been found with a 75-watt 1042 transformer rather than the listed 60-watt 1041. This train in excellent condition is worth approx. $1500 and in like new condition is worth approx. $1500.

The following are some of the most sought after Lionel O-Gauge outfits from 1946:

2110WS–Lionel Three-Car Passenger– Retailed for $75.00

Included: 671 6-8-6 steam turbine locomotive with operating headlight and smoke; 2466W early coal whistle tender; three 2625 heavyweight Pullmans; eight OC curved and five OS straight track; RCS uncoupling/operating section; 167 whistle controller; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet.

To create a premium O-gauge passenger set, Lionel revived it prewar Bakelite “Irvington” passenger car. The postwar incarnation of this car included newly designed six-wheel trucks with knuckle couplers–derivatives of these trucks were used on the 2460 crane and 2426W tender as well. The car bodies were painted maroon or reddish-brown in contrast to the prewar color of medium brown. To tow this passenger train, Lionel used its replica of the Pennsylvania 20-wheel steam turbine, the 671. This set in excellent condition is worth approx. $1750 and this set in like new condition is worth approx. $2975.

2113WS–Lionel O-Gauge Three-Car Freight Outfit–Retailed for $67.50

Included: 726 2-8-4 Berkshire steam locomotive with operating headlight and smoke; 2426W die-cast whistle tender; 2855 black Sunoco single dome tank car; 3854 operating merchandise car; 2457 illuminated caboose; eight OC operating merchandise car; 2457 illuminated caboose; eight OC curved and sever OS straight track; RCS uncoupling/operating section; 167 whistle controller; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet.

Premiering in outfit 2113WS was the new 2-8-4 Berkshire steam locomotive. Though a 2-8-4 would be a staple of Lionel’s O-gauge sets into the 1960s, the 1946 model was unique. The smoke unit was based on a light bulb, the motor and reversing E-unit was mounted horizontally, and the handrails mounted with turned stanchions. The earliest versions of the 726 were equipped with what collectors refer to as the “large stack” motor. Later, the number of field laminations was reduced, resulting is what is known as a “short stack” motor.

The corrugated component box was unique to the 1946 locomotive. Sealed with prewar-style orange and blue sealing tape, the carton was marked with a manufacturer’s seal that stated, “GAIR BOGOTA CORR. & FIBRE BOX CORP.” The ends of the box were stamped with “No. 726” in small lettering. The cars in tow were just as unique. Though cataloged as the common silver 2755, the tank car included was actually the scarce black 1855. The prewar semi-scale boxcar tooling was revived and modified with the addition of a roof hatch and internal mechanism to create an operating merchandise car, the 3854. This car is one of the most difficult to find items from the postwar era. In excellent condition this outfit is worth approx. $2000. In like new condition this set is worth approx. $3200.

2114WS–Lionel O-Gauge Three-Car Passenger Outfit–Retailed for $77.50

Included: 726 2-8-4 Berkshire steam locomotive with operating headlight and smoke; 2426W whistle tender; three 2625 heavyweight Pullmans; eight OC curved and five OS straight track; RCS uncoupling/operating section; 167 controller; UTC Lockon; 926-5 instruction booklet.

This was the most expensive passenger outfit offered in 1946. The three Bakelite 2625 Irvington passenger cars presented the 726 with a formidable load, especially those locomotives equipped with the later “short stack” motor. The die-cast tenders were equipped with die-cast whistle housings and, though initially stamped in white, ultimately were lettered in silver. In excellent condition the outfit is worth approx. $2500 and in like new condition is worth $4000.

Source by Joelyn Pullano

Investing 20,000 Dollars For a Quick Return – 3 Ideas

To set the scene, lets say you have a spare $20,000 and you want to invest it in some way where you get a quick return. There are many ways to invest such money and one of the most interesting one’s is investing it in a market you already know. The stock market is too slow and short cycle investments are a much better option, so lets explore a few ideas here now.

1) Maybe you have a good eye for used cars. Your first step would be to familiarize yourself with the local used car market and get interested in a few particular models. The simplest way to establish the accurate intrinsic value of a particular model is to do a comparison value assessment. This simply means you go on line or buy a tabloid with listings of that particular model and ascertain what would be a real price, for a clean neat vehicle at that price range. Once you have that comparison figure, it becomes a simple matter of assessing the vehicles on sale in your area where the asking price is much lower than it should be.

People sell for their own reasons, often price, or getting the best possible price is not on top of the priority list. This type of mis-pricing is typical and normal in any market. Finding a bargain and re-selling it for a profit is one way to get a return on $20,000

2) You could buy and sub divide a cheap but large block of land. Typically, this type of transaction is quite lucrative because, if you successfully split the land, you now have 2 blocks worth $30,000 for an outlay of $20,000 that is a 50% mark up. Also, this type of transaction can be purchased with finance, so you could potentially buy 10 such blocks with a small deposit on each. Many people have made a lot of money doing this and getting skilled at researching your target land and ascertaining whether it can be split is a valuable skill to have.

3) You could import a container load of widgets from China and wholesale the products in your town. You can get anything from Chinese manufacturers. One example might be electric “Vespa” style scooters. At last look, they were selling them for around $400 usd per unit, so you could sell these at a healthy mark up and still be cheap enough for enthusiastic buying of your import. There is a few important things to learn about importing, but once you understand it, you are set to profit.

Source by Martin Thomas

Financing Car Parts – The Do’s and Dont’s

So you’re looking for some new car parts to compliment your cars appearance and attitude on the road. Great! You’re just like most people driving down the highway. In fact, most people take pride in their vehicles appearance and performance, and spend lots of money on extensive modifications. However, this can get costly.

Sadly, not everyone can feed their need for speed with their current salary. Thankfully, there are a few services out there that allow you to pay for your purchases over time. This can be convenient for emergency repairs such as blown head gaskets, transmission failure, or other catastrophic failure that requires a fast repair, allowing you to get back on the road. These services can also be used to purchase parts that aren’t necessarily an emergency, but still desired by the owner.

I’ve found a few car part financing options, and I’ll provide some information about them in hopes of informing you to make the right decision if you see yourself in a situation requiring you to finance car parts.

PayPal Credit – PayPal credit, formerly known as BillMeLater has been around since 2000. Users sign up for free, submit information for a credit check, and can begin making purchases if approved for an account. Payment terms are typically set in increments over six months or until the total cost is paid off. If the total is not fully paid off after the six month period, an interest rate of 19.99% is applied in the form of a late fee. If considering using PayPal Credit, keep in mind the payment terms and be wary of the high interest rate. PayPal Credit is a good option for financing car parts since it is used by many e-commerce sites who typically have lower prices than many brick and mortar establishments.

CarCareONE – CarCareONE is a car part finance service which works very similar to a credit card. Run by Synchrony Financial which has been around since the 1930’s, CarCarONE allows to you make monthly payments on routine maintenance, trips to the gas station, and emergency repairs with moderately low interest. Furthermore, no interest is applied to your purchases if they’re paid off within 6 months. To sign up, you must apply and consent to a background and credit check before making purchases. CarCareOne is great for emergency purchases as it is accepted at more than 16,000 establishments nationwide, but keep in mind the high interest rates if not paid off with the first 6 months.

Affirm – Affirm is a relatively new way to finance car parts, but offers the most leniency on credit. Just like PayPal Credit, Affirm offers a line of credit for users to spend on purchases. However, this line of credit is not fixed, rather underwritten depending on the amount and the merchant purchased from. Affirm applies small finance charges with each payment, so you risk paying more over time if you decide to split your purchase into multiple payments, but the rates are generally small. Affirm is a great option for users who want to purchase parts but would prefer paying for the item over time without risking long term high interest rates seen with PayPal Credit and CarCareOne. Remember, Affirm doesn’t affect your credit line, so this method may be the better option if your credit is low.

Hopefully this article has cleared up some questions you may have regarding how to finance car parts. While it may not always be the best option for long term, it is a great choice for emergencies!

Source by Alex Kollos