Tag Archives: Costly

Avoid The Costly Auto Purchasing Mistakes Through Education

While driving can be a very enjoyable experience, going shopping for a new or used car is not always so much fun. Fortunately, there are ways to make the experience less frustrating. Just keep the following advice in mind the next time that you are in the market for a new vehicle.

Do not make the mistake of focusing on only the monthly payment amount when you are car shopping. This can cause you to buy a more expensive car than you can really afford. You need to focus on the total cost of the vehicle itself and whether that is a good deal.

When you haggle, do not focus on the monthly payments, but on the total purchase price at the end of the terms. Dealers will do anything and everything to get you that monthly price, even if it means saddling you with higher expenses and interest over the years. Negotiate the best overall deal for the course of your lease. Then you can figure out what the monthly payment you can afford is.

Look at cars online. You can find nearly any car you want. Do not visit a dealership before learning all about any cars you’re considering. An online search can reveal anything you would like to know including MPG, resale value, specifications, rating and size.

Make sure to take your time. Even if you are really excited about buying a car, don’t run out and buy it on the same day. Make sure that you have taken the time to do research on safety, repairs and other factors before doing something you might end up regretting.

Is there a specific feature you really want? Is it, heated seats or a sunroof? Before you even approach the lot, find out which cars in your price range actually offer this feature. This will reduce the time spent on the lot looking at cars you don’t want as the feature isn’t available.

Set a spending limit before shopping for your new car. It is easy to get swayed by pushy salesmen or a nice leather interior, but it is important that you stay within your budget. You may like the cause of spending extra, but you will not like it when it comes time to pay for it.

When purchasing a car, be wary of the age and mileage warranty of the vehicle. In most cases, you are likely to hit the mileage first so make sure you understand exactly how long you are likely to be covered before making a decision on what vehicle you will purchase.

Before you start researching what kind of car you should purchase, you need to look into your current situation. Don’t decide your budget based on the car, but decide the car you will purchase based on a realistic budget for you and your family. Doing so will save you financial headaches.

You should never even consider purchasing a car before you test drive it. In fact, before giving a test drive and general overview of the car, you need to assume it is horrible. The car needs to prove itself to you, so don’t fall in love with a specific car and then try to justify its value.

If you don’t have friends or family in your area to ask for advice from, check the Better Business Bureau’s website to find out how the dealers in your area are dealing with customers. This will allow you to at least remove those with many complaints from your list of options.

Always avoid signing As-Is warranties. You will quickly regret it. They should at least offer some kind of 30-90 warranty when buying any car. You will have no recourse of a major repair is needed immediately after you drive away from the dealer’s lot.

Do not fall for the sales pitch that the deal will not be available if you wait until the next day. More times than not, you will be able to walk back into the dealership and get the same price, if not a better one the next day. If you feel that the salesman is pressuring you, walk out the door and come back the next day.

Never buy a car without test driving it first. That even includes brand new cars and trucks. Not only do you want to make sure the car is mechanically sound, you also want to see how the car fits you. Decide if the car “feels” right. Some cars are not designed for taller people, for instance.

If there are advertising fees associated with the car’s main price, inform the dealer that you’d like it removed. It would be asinine is you were responsible for it. Threaten to walk out on a deal if they keep it. They will convince you to stay.

Calculate the yearly mileage you will be driving. This will help you decide if you should lease a vehicle or purchase a vehicle outright. If you normally drive less than 1,000 miles a month, you should consider a lease. A leased car generally has lower payments than a car purchased outright.

Take the time to learn about the cost of ownership of the car. Research the cost of tire replacement as well as brake replacement. They are the two most common repairs that will need to be made to cars. If you cannot afford the tires, you likely cannot afford to keep the car.

Do you want to buy new or used? There are certain situations that might make it better for you to buy new, but if your budget does not allow for it, there are great used deals as well. Learn about warranties and rebates on both new and used before you begin shopping.

Do not put off buying a new car for your or your family any longer. With the right advice, the process of purchasing a vehicle can be an enjoyable one. Just remember the advice you have just read, and before long, you will be out on the open road again.